Episode 27: El que tiene boca, se equivoca con Laura Lopez Williams

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Laura Lopez Williams

Local Teacher & Educator, Los Angeles, CA

El que tiene boca, se equivoca

Translation: He/she who has a mouth with make errors

How many times have you said something totally confident only to later realize that you may have been wrong? Probably many times. To make errors is completely a human experience.

But when does saying the wrong things become a dangerous action? Usually when those lies are repeated constantly without fact-checking.

In this episode, Laura Lopez Williams, a local teacher, joins in to discuss the power of words and how her experience as a teacher is more than just teaching children math operations, but also teaching them about empathy and compassion.  Laura Lopez Williams is a first generation American raised in the San Fernando Valley. She has served the local school system for over 20 year as a teacher.

We discuss the dicho Él que tiene boca, se equivoca and how it resonates beyond making a mistake in our speech but also the power of words. Laura shares her perspective as an educator and offers a unique viewpoint of her childhood education experience.

The day we recorded was January 18, 2021, Martin Luther King Jr Day, so naturally we discuss the importance of his memory and how his actions are not different from the current movement (i.e. Black Lives Matter).  Since history is unfolding before our eyes, we take a moment to discuss the mob at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Keeping in line with education, we also discuss our current reads and talk about we aim to stay educated and informed.

Our current reads:

The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennet

Changing Face of Power by Claudia Alarco Alarco

Send me your favorite dichos, stories, or memories that you would like me to feature at hola@whatdichos.com

Follow us on Instagram @whatdichos

Intro Theme Music Credit: Mariachiando - Doug Maxwell / Jimmy Fontanez


Episode 28: Las Leyendas Nunca Mueren


Episode 26: Año Nuevo, Vida Nueva