Belen was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. Went to college, learned some knowledge, earned degrees, traveled to places, met some cool people, built a family, gathered some experiences and has lots of great stories to tell!


Repping LA. All the time. Everywhere.

Sarasota, FL - Jan 2020


Hi! I’m Belen and currently live in Sylmar, CA. Never expected to be a valley girl, but love relocated me to the almost forgotten town of Los Angeles County.

I want to fully introduce myself and personally welcome you all to this little bud project that I'm growing. Here are some quick fun facts about me:

Born in Santa Monica, CA in 1987
Raised in Los Angeles, CA (Mid-City)
Went to college in San Diego, CA
Traveled to Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Mexico (Oaxaca, Jalisco, Quintana Roo), Guatemala, and major US Cities
Birthed a couple of kids
Found my sweet love and blended family
Now living in Sylmar, CA

Random Facts: I talk in my sleep and have been known to argue about mushrooms and penguins. I also trip on flat surfaces.

I started 'What Dichos?' after realizing that my children look at me funny when I try to teach them with sayings (dichos) and I thought this would be a fun way to explain dichos to them and also hear from others that have based their life off the sayings of their families

I look forward to sharing more stories with you soon!


Fierce Style. Culture and Happiness…

…even with a bowl cut!